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Tips for Choosing the Right Professional Resume Writer

How to Choose the Right Professional Resume Writer

One of the most important tools for landing the job you want is a strong resume. Whether you are looking to change careers, pursuing a promotion, or simply applying for a new opportunity in your current field, your resume needs to be well-crafted and targeted. In fact, according to Glassdoor, 68% of candidates with professionally written resumes can secure a job within 90 days. However, creating a best-practice resume is a skill not everyone possesses.

Most people find crafting a resume a daunting task. Well, we get you. After all, it requires not just excellent writing skills but also extra effort, time, and precision. So, if you think you don’t have the qualities to create one, then hiring an expert may be your best resort. But before you do, let us give you some effective tips for choosing the right professional resume-writing service.

1. Ask for referrals or recommendations

There are a lot of resume writing services out there with in-depth experience, proper qualifications, and track records of success. However, anyone can also put up a website and call themselves an expert resume writer, even with little or no experience in the field at all. So how do you find a trusted one who truly understands the ins and outs of the process? You can start by asking your network.

Referrals or recommendations are always one of the best resources when looking for a reliable product or service. So to start your search, it would be a great idea to ask around first. One of your contacts or connections may be able to refer a team of experts they’ve worked with in the past that gave them a positive outcome. Doing so will not only save you time but will also help you ensure you will get a quality service. However, we suggest doing some more digging before making your final decision to ensure they are a good fit for you.

2. Review their background and professional credentials

Having your resume written by a professional can definitely be beneficial to your job search. But, of course, to get the most out of it, you must ensure that you go for a resume writing service with the right background, qualifications, and credentials. Do they have a relevant degree? Are they certified resume writers? What other qualifications should you look for to get a resume that impresses recruiters and hiring managers?

A qualified resume writer should be able to deliver a resume that demonstrates your candidate’s value proposition. It should also highlight your career history in a way that reflects what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. So, ideally, you should be looking for a resume writer with a background in HR, recruitment, career consulting, and professional writing. They should also be knowledgeable of the current hiring practices and trends, including how an Applicant Tracking System works. Going for a resume writer with these qualifications will position you in a strong place to pass the screening stage.

3. Check if they’re knowledgeable of your target role, industry, and geography

Resumes have different formatting, tone of voice and language, and template requirements depending on your target role, industry, and geography. What works well in one industry or geography may not be effective in another. So, having a targeted resume is important to prove your qualifications more effectively. This will give you the best possible chance to advance to the next stage of the application process.

To ensure you get the resume you need, we highly recommend looking for a resume writer who is knowledgeable not only about your current role and industry but also about where you are going in your career. Check the industries, geographies, and job functions they have experience with to guarantee they have a proven track record of helping professionals like you. Working with an expert who can truly understand the language, trends, and best practices for resumes in your desired field can help you outline your work history in the most appropriate way.

4. Verify whether their process aligns with the best practice

Every resume writing service has a different process. Some will simply ask you for your old documents, some will require you to fill out a form, and some will interview you to develop a new resume. So, understanding how the process works for each service is important to determine which approach will work out for you. This will also allow you to gauge how involved you will be in the process and plan accordingly. When doing your due diligence, you must ensure if you can request revisions after the draft is delivered and how long it will take to get the final resume. Ask many questions as you need to ensure their writing process meets your needs.

A good resume writing service provider works from a combination of the client’s existing documents, a comprehensive resume questionnaire, and an initial one-on-one career consultation. This process helps you ensure that they will have a better understanding of your career goals and what you have to offer. Also, they should be able to deliver your document within a reasonable timeframe – ideally three to five days. On the contrary, if a service doesn’t offer revisions or direct collaboration, it should be avoided. This will ensure you receive a high-quality resume perfectly aligned with your needs and expectations.

5. Read reviews and testimonials

Before working with any resume writing service provider, it is imperative to get a sense of who they are beyond their experience. One of the best ways to do this is to look for and read reviews, testimonials, or endorsements from their past clients. Go through their website and other social media channels, such as LinkedIn, to verify the legitimacy and credibility of their service. This can also help you identify potential red flags, allowing you to prevent poor-quality hires.

6. Request for resume samples

Most resume writing service providers have resume samples displayed on their websites to prove the quality of their work. But in cases that there’s none, make sure to ask for some. If possible, request resume samples specific to your industry. When perusing these samples, take a look at the word choice, layout, and how personalized the resume seems to be. Also, check the format and writing style if they are aligned with what your target industry is looking for. Doing so will allow you to assess their level of expertise and determine whether their work will make you stand out as an applicant in your industry or position.

7. Make sure you get your money’s worth

Resume writing service comes at all price points. It could cost from several hundred dollars to thousands and more. Many factors may affect the pricing, including your target industry, level of experience, or if you are changing careers. It may also depend on the package the service provider offers. Whichever the case, you must keep in mind that what’s important is the quality and effectiveness of the final product. In most cases, it’s the cost that determines the quality, and like many things in life, you get what you pay for. So, make sure to invest in a reputable resume writing service to get your money’s worth.

Tips for Choosing the Right Resume Writing Service

Creating a resume on your own is not easy. So, if you are considering hiring a professional resume writer for whatever reason, know that you are not alone. However, seeking and choosing the perfect service is another challenging task. Well, you don’t have to search anymore because you’re already in the right place. Reach out to us. We would be happy to help you find, apply for, and do what you love through our expertise in resume writing and career consulting.
